My name is Henry Foster III, and I am a proud third-generation San Diegan living in Valencia Park. The Foster family has a long, rich history in our community, and I have proudly continued our family’s legacy of serving our district. Currently, I serve much of our district as Chief of Staff to recently elected Supervisor Monica Montgomery Steppe.

After over 20 years in the construction industry, I was called to public service. I first served the city as its Equal Opportunity Contracting Program Manager for six years, ensuring equity in over $5 billion worth of city contracting. I led the Small Local Business Enterprise Program, the Equal Employment Opportunity Program Ordinance, the Non-Discrimination in Contracting Ordinance, and the Title VI Program. While serving in this capacity, I was also designated the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Liaison Officer (DBELO) for the City of San Diego.

I have always advocated for justice, equity, and representation in District Four. So when I was asked to serve our district at City Hall, I said yes. 

During my five-year tenure as Council District Four Chief of Staff, I helped bring over $100 million worth of investment into our parks, streets, and recreation centers. My efforts also led to the implementation of Measure B, creating an independent Commission on Police Practices (CPP) to increase oversight and accountability in our City’s policing. Finally, I oversaw community cleanup efforts and programs to mitigate the effects of gang violence on our neighborhoods.

I am a dedicated and experienced public servant, a proud alum of Lincoln High School, a Link Achiever, a Life Member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, a graduate of Hampton University, and a devoted husband and father of two children. 

I know what our community needs, and I have the experience to make it happen. But I can’t do it alone. I need your help to build a stronger, more sustainable, and thriving District Four and keep putting people first at City Hall. 

Will you join me?